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Types of Adjustment

Wellness Care

Traditional Chiropractic Adjustments: These are adjustments performed “By Hand ” and have been around for over 100 years. Most patients receive this type of highly effective treatment. Dr. Thomas has delivered over a half 1 million adjustments to professional athletes, moms and dads, children and elderly patients with great success. He will select the technique/s based on your individual needs that will get you best and fastest results.

Instrument Adjustments: These are alternative to traditional chiropractic adjustments techniques you may know, using a unique “Small Instrument “. They are more modern, very gentle and are very effective.

Why would I want An Instrument Adjustment?

Dr. Thomas has found Instrument adjusting is more patient-friendly for some and able to help patients who might otherwise never seek chiropractic care. In part, this attraction may be the lower force that is required for adjustment when compared to manual adjusting. Simply there is no twisting or cracking noises.

Dr. Thomas uses three types of instruments at our office Arthrostim ®, Vibrocussor ® and the Activator® Method



The Arthrostim Instrument is the most recent, advanced adjustment tool available. It delivers 12-14 incremental thrusts per second. By dividing the energy of a single thrust (whether by hand or instrument) into rapid successive input, the Arthrostim modulates force and allows an extremely

It’s like having 25 little tiny adjustments instead of one big one.

Benefits of chiropractic adjusting instruments include a more specific and targeted force application, controlled force and speed. These benefits culminate in easier adjustments on patients. comfortable, highly effective adjustment.



The Arthrostim Instrument is the most recent, advanced adjustment tool available. It delivers 12-14 incremental thrusts per second. By dividing the energy of a single thrust (whether by hand or instrument) into rapid successive input, the Arthrostim modulates force and allows an extremely

It’s like having 25 little tiny adjustments instead of one big one.

Benefits of chiropractic adjusting instruments include a more specific and targeted force application, controlled force and speed. These benefits culminate in easier adjustments on patients. comfortable, highly effective adjustment.



The Arthrostim Instrument is the most recent, advanced adjustment tool available. It delivers 12-14 incremental thrusts per second. By dividing the energy of a single thrust (whether by hand or instrument) into rapid successive input, the Arthrostim modulates force and allows an extremely

It’s like having 25 little tiny adjustments instead of one big one.

Benefits of chiropractic adjusting instruments include a more specific and targeted force application, controlled force and speed. These benefits culminate in easier adjustments on patients. comfortable, highly effective adjustment.